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Brewmaster Gothic Round Demo font普贤居精选英文字体

Brewmaster Gothic Round Demo font插图Brewmaster Gothic Round Demo font插图1Brewmaster Gothic Round Demo font插图2

Download the full version of this font, including alternates, punctuation, and accented characters:


In our hometown, there is a brew pub with a huge outdoor mural featuring its name. The brew pub name is painted in 8-foot tall letters on the brick facade over it’s outdoor patio. To create Brewmaster Gothic, we took inspiration from that mural and applied it to our Turbonacular font, replacing the rounded edges with square corners and angles lines.

The end result is a firm, structured gothic with a lot of character, a huge complement of accented and special characters, full punctuation set, and an alternate set of uppercase characters in the lowercase. Our latest modification of Brewmaster Gothic features rounded edges and corners. Wonderful!


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