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今天普贤居素材网给大家分享的这款3D模型资源名称为:宜家VotoTrp厨房3D模型,内容与厨房,3DMAX,厨房3D,橱柜3D相关,文件大小为196 MB,模型文件格式为未分类。

Ikea Kitchen VOXTORP and AEG appliances, BOSCH and IKEA. New made in 3 colors, next to the kitchen with the three spheres of moods materials. The very customized kitchen with ID, ie the appointment of a particular material, no problems. IMPORTANT: In the preview of 3 can be seen, the contents of the scene and the quality of the grid. All kitchen 900,000 polygons. Path textures removed, the model tested for the presence of errors in the scene. Exhibited in the zero position. Textures and materials are also signed. Layers, cameras, light no. Other Ikea kitchens, appliances for kitchens, electronics for life - you can find in my profile. Enjoy your renderings!

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关键词: 橱柜3D 厨房3D 厨房


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